
Whether you’re driving or taking public transport, you shouldn’t have to spend hours in traffic.Travelling to your usual destination or exploring a new location? MapsAssist can show you the best way to get there. Get easy access to driving directions & find the fastest route to your destination, directly from your browser’s New Tab page.

Find the Fastest Route

Plan your commute effectively & easily. Whether you’re traveling by car, cycle or on foot, find the fastest route to your destination with MapsAssist. This tool predicts estimated travel time from A to B based on traffic conditions & helps you plan your trip accordingly.

Instant Driving Directions

Instant Driving

There’s nothing more stressful than getting stuck in traffic for hours on end. Use MapsAssist to get accurate & comprehensive driving directions directly from your New Tab page. All you have to do is open your New Tab Page, click on the MapsAssist tool, type your location & destination, to start getting driving directions.

Try MapsAssist today!
It's FREE.

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weather search

Severe Weather Updates

A hurricane in your area? Heavy rain on the radar? Snow storm predicted? Find out! Get updates about the onset of severe weather with just one search from your browser's address bar.

Try Weather Waves Search today! It's FREE.

Add MapsAssist to unlock access to Weather Waves Search

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